marriki schlifer aalia hashem

I'm Aalia.

A dance artist and little brunette dancer who plays and flies across Planet Earth.  
I found Contact Improvisation in 2018 at a fusion dance festival and instantly was hooked. My being was alive in a way I'd never felt before. It was a deep resonance I had to explore. I knew then, after dancing 20 years in various dance forms for stage and studio, that this was my movement practice. 
Upon returning to my home in Vancouver, Canada, I trained under Edam Dance Company for a year and other various CI festivals before traveling abroad to Bali, India and Thailand to continue learning from over 40 teachers, at residencies, workshops, and advanced CI trainings. 
Discovering the depth of this practice, I now get to share it with others!
Since hosting classes, workshops, and retreats in the Contact Improvisation community in Bali since 2019, I've taught at festivals like Bali Bloom, and Towards CI50 Conference in Thailand. 
CONTACT BODY is the online version of MOMENTUM - the in-person Contact Improvisation Beginner's Skills Workshop taught in Bali 18 times training over 200 dancers. It's been tried, danced, and modified since it began in 2020.
And I love teaching beginners!
I also dance in music videos, and host FACES OF CI, a podcast interviewing CI dancers and teachers about their affinity with Contact as a mirror for life.

Contact Improvisation for me is a playground for deep connection to our bodies, a vehicle for present-moment awareness, joyful play, creative expression, and self-empowerment.

-xox, Aalia

Full Dance Portfolio is here if you are curious for more.
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